Star Trek: David Semel to direct the new series' first episode

Semel is an old hand at directing pilots that end up becoming series (not that Trek has to worry about that so much, given its straight-to-series order). Other shows he worked on include Heroes, Person Of Interest, and CBS' own Madam Secretary. He also helped kick off Amazon's The Man In The High Castle and has form on a Fuller show via Hannibal.

Fuller is running the new Trek series, but has released few details about it just yet. What we do know for sure is that it kicks off in the US on CBS in January before switching to the company's All Access system, but will be available outside the States via Netflix. Hopefully, we'll be learning more soon. Check out the teaser below.

If all this has put you in a Star Trek sort of mood, take a listen to our Star Trek 50th anniversary podcast or read our feature on why Fuller is the right man for the job.

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