Kong: Skull Island producer Alex Garcia reveals Kong’s height

“He’s his own species,” Garcia told us. “He’s going to be 100 feet tall.” That's a fair bit taller that the beast's original 1933 height, which was estimated to be only around 25m. His growth spurt may have something to do with Kong's upcoming face-off against old foe Godzilla in Godzilla Vs. Kong, planned for release in 2020 – and not least because Gareth Edwards’ monster stood 350 feet tall when we last saw it moonwalking back into the ocean…

But what of the mysterious island’s terrain, which has seen various incarnations since Kong’s 1933 movie debut? “There are jungles, sulphur pits, bamboo forests, a variety of different environments that are both wondrous and incredibly dangerous.” Sounds like the perfect playground for a 100 foot ape, then.

Skull Island takes place in 1973, seeing Kong hunted down by Tom Hiddleston’s SAS tracker James Conrad, Brie Larson’s photographer Mason Weaver, and Johns C. Reilly and Goodman.

Kong: Skull Island is released on March 10, 2017. For more on everyone’s favourite giant ape and much, much more besides, be sure to pick up a copy of our newest issue, in all good and evil newsagents now.

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