Emoji Movie: T.J. Miller signs up as lead

In developments that may or may not portend the end of days, an emoji movie is taking shape over at Sony Pictures Animation. If this animation does indeed usher in the apocalypse, T.J. Miller will now have that on his conscience; the Deadpool actor has just signed up to voice the movie's main character.

As per the above YouTube audition tape, released to coincide with World Emoji Day, the movie now has a full title, EmojiMovie: Express Yourself.

Miller is voicing Gene, a ‘meh’ emoji who’s supposed to act just like his equally meh parents. But a strange hiccup in his wiring has given him a whole range of expressions that should be beyond him. Cue… well, who knows what? We’d imagine wild adventures and at least one bravura battle with a giant emoji poo are on the cards.

Will the end result leave people, like, totally 😱 or actually surprisingly 😀? Find out when EmojiMovie: Express Yourself arrives in US cinemas on August 11, 2017.

For more Miller in the meantime, he’s appearing in Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One and Michael Bay’s Transformers 5. No doubt, he’ll also have the Deadpool sequel on his agenda in the months ahead.

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