Comic-Con: Game Of Thrones offers a sneak peek and bloopers

With the sixth season just having finished and the seventh in the early stages of pre-production and production itself, there wasn't too much that the Game Of Thrones team could talk about, beyond chewing over the climactic events that had recently gone down. One thing they could bring, however, is a teaser video for the new season, albeit one comprised of the behind-the-scenes team creating props and working on other items for the show.

Though shooting itself is not set to ramp back up again until February in order to take advantage of colder weather (winter, after all, has finally arrived), we also know that the next season will feature fewer episodes – seven, to be exact – and will air sometime next summer.

The cast offered up a few nuggets of where they think their characters stand, including this from Sophie Turner, AKA Sansa Stark: “I think she believed it was probably more of a joint effort in terms of the Battle of the Bastards, she thinks they should be King and Queen of the North, I’m not so sure she’s so keen on the Iron Throne anymore. I’m not sure she thinks Jon is capable of running Winterfell and the North… She doesn’t think he has the intellect, the knowledge and the experience that she has, and I concur.” So say we all! Just don't tell Jon.

And while Season 6 was a heavily emotional and doom-laden one, there was still time for screw-ups and clowning around on set, as displayed in the blooper reel shown at the panel and viewable below. Beware bad language, particularly from Peter Dinklage and Emilia Clarke... See here for all of our Season 6 Game Of Thrones reviews.

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