With an earlier draft by Alex Ross Perry, the movie is currently simply known as Christopher Robin. Sounding a little like Hook-meets-Paddington, the story follows a grown Christopher Robin who has left behind the imaginative adventures in Hundred Acre Wood and is focusing on his adult life. But when his job starts to overwhelm his family commitments, he is suddenly visited by Pooh, who needs help finding his friends. Christopher Robin has to figure out how to handle the two sides of his life colliding without losing both.
In case you're thinking this new hire means that McCarthy will also be taking over the director's job on the film, that's not the case: Marc Forster is still attached to call the shots.
McCarthy, who won a Best Original screenplay Oscar with co-writer Josh Singer for Spotlight in 2016 (he was nominated as its director and the film took Best Picture), has several other scripts in development but has been spending time as executive producer and director on new Netflix series 13 Reasons Why, which will hit the streaming service on 31 March. You can watch the trailer below.
- Marc Forster On To Make Christopher Robin Film