In this day and age of increased education costs, figuring out how to pay for your child's university tuition is a common problem for parents. And it's one faced by Scott (Will Ferrell) and Kate Johansen (Amy Poehler) in new comedy The House. See the trailer... Will Ferrell Moves to The House Amy Poehler Joins The House
For this couple, whose daughter Alex (Ryan Simpkins) just got accepted to college, a possible answer comes from their neighbour Frank (Jason Mantzoukas, so you know he's a little weird): they'll start an illegal, underground casino in his house.
At first, of course, it seems to go well, even as Alex starts to be suspicious of what her parents are up to every night, but naturally things spiral out of control in what director Andrew Jay Cohen (who wrote this with his Bad Neighbours collaborator Brendan O'Brien) is hoping will be seen as hilarious ways.
We'll know if he's right when The House opens on 30 June.