Though the series was announced last year, filmmakers Brit Marling and Zal Batmanglij have been working under the radar on their new project for Netflix, The OA. With the show set to debut on the streaming service this Friday, the trailer has arrived, but is likely to spark more questions than answers... Empire's review of The East Read the review of Sound Of My Voice
Yes, beating the likes of J.J. Abrams at their own mysterious game, the duo behind films such as The East and Sound Of My Voice are keeping most of the details about The OA quiet for now.
What we do know is that Marling (who co-created the show and is one of the executive producers), stars as Prairie Johnson, who is returned to her family seven years after she was kidnapped. Thing is, when she was taken, Prairie was blind, and is now able to see perfectly. And some very strange things happened while she was away, even if Prairie is refusing to talk about it.
Batmanglij directed all eight episodes of the first run, which also features Emory Cohen, Alice Krige, Phyllis Smith and Jason Isaacs. The mystery continues with the show's puzzling, creative Instagram feed.