Harper played Suzy Bannion, a young woman who attends a prestigious ballet academy in Europe. She soon comes to realise that there is something terrifying and supernatural at work at the school, and we don't just mean the awful treatment of toes in ballet slippers.
A Bigger Splash's Luca Guadagnino has just started the cameras rolling on the new take in Italy. He has Chloe Grace Moretz, Mia Goth and two previous collaborators (Dakota Johnson and Tilda Swinton) aboard, and a story that roughly follows the same track. A young American heads to the prestigious Markos Tanz Company in 1970s Berlin and becomes a star pupil under the tutelage of Madame Blanc. She befriends another dancer, but comes to fear that the place harbours a dark secret. And we don't just mean the awful treatment of to... we've done this bit.
We don't yet know what role Harper will take this time, but the film should be out next year.