With Rodriguez directing and James Cameron producing, the film adapts Yukito Kishiro's original manga. Battle Angel Alita, as it was called in print and anime form, is the story of an amnesiac female cyborg in the 26th century who becomes a bounty hunter, after being rescued from the rubbish dump and rebuilt by a professor of cybernetics. Rosa Salazar is on board to play Alita, while Christoph Waltz will be the professor.
We don't yet know what Gonzalez will be playing, but Alita could certainly use some help, as she'll be facing the villainy of Jackie Earle Haley and Ed Skrein and, (assuming he signs on), Luke Cage's Mahershala Ali. Alita: Battle Angel will be out on 20 July 2018.
Gonzalez previously worked on From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series on Rodriguez's El Rey Network. She'll be on the big screen next in Edgar Wright's Baby Driver, due on 17 March next year.